Gang Hang Young Principal Investigator



 Young Principal Investigator

 Work Experience

2021-present: Principal Investigator, Human Phenome Institute, Fudan University;

2015-2020: Ph.D. and researcher, Chemical biology group, University of Groningen;

 Research Interests

1、Single-molecule sequencing technique with biological nanopore

2、Nanopore biosensor

3、Single-molecule biophysics

4、Membrane protein science and technology

 Selected Publications

1、Huang G, Voorspoels A, Versloot RCA, van der Heide N, Carlon E, Willems K and Maglia G*. PlyAB nanopores detect single amino acid differences in folded haemoglobin from blood. Angew Chem Int Ed, 2022, 61 e2022062.

2Huang G, Willems K, Bartelds M, Van Dorpe P, Soskine M and Maglia G*. Electro-osmotic vortices promote the capture of folded proteins by PlyAB nanopores. Nano Lett. 2020, 20 (5), 3819–3827.

3Huang G, Voet A and Maglia G*. FraC nanopores with adjustable diameter identify the mass of opposite-charge peptides with 44 dalton resolution. Nat Commun. 2019, 10, 1–10.

4Huang G, and Maglia G*. Single-molecule peptide mass identification using nanopores-Portable and low-cost peptide mass spectrometer towards protein sequencing. G.I.T lab. 2019, 23.

5Huang G, Willems K, Soskine M, Wloka C*, and Maglia G*. Electro-osmotic capture and ionic discrimination of peptide and protein biomarkers with FraC nanopores. Nat Commun. 2017, 8, 1-13.