Yanfeng Jiang Young Principal Investigator

Young Principal Investigator

Email: yanfengjiang@fudan.edu.cn

 Work Experience

2021.7-Present, Human Phenome Institute, Fudan University, Professor

2019.6-2021.6, Human Phenome Institute, Fudan University, Postdoctoral Fellow

2016.9-2019.6, School of Life Sciences, Fudan University, Ph.D.

 Research Interests

1. Molecular epidemiological study on chronic diseases, such as cognitive impairment and cerebrovascular disease;

2. Large-scale cohort study.

Selected Publications

1、Yanfeng Jiang#, Mei Cui#, Weizhong Tian, Sibo Zhu, Jinhua Chen, Chen Suo, Zhenqiu Liu, Ming Lu, Kelin Xu, Min Fan, Jiucun Wang, Qiang Dong, Weimin Ye, Li Jin, Xingdong Chen*, Taizhou Imaging Study Group. Lifestyle, multi-omics features, and preclinical dementia among Chinese: The Taizhou Imaging Study. Alzheimer's & Dementia. 2021. 17(1):18-28. (Cover Paper)

2、Mei Cui#, Yanfeng Jiang#, Qianhua Zhao, Zhen Zhu, Xiaoniu Liang, Kexun Zhang, Wanqing Wu, Qiang Dong, Yanpeng An, Huiru Tang, Ding Ding*, Xingdong Chen*. Metabolomics and incident dementia in older Chinese adults: the Shanghai Aging Study. Alzheimer's & Dementia. 2020. 16(5): 779-788. (Cover Paper)

3、Yanfeng Jiang#, Kexun Zhang#, Zhen Zhu, Mei Cui, Yanpeng An, Yingzhe Wang, Chen Suo, Min Fan, Li Jin, Weizhong Tian*, Xingdong Chen*. Associations between serum metabolites and subclinical atherosclerosis in a Chinese population: the Taizhou Imaging Study. Aging. 2020. 12(15): 15302-15313.

4、Yanfeng Jiang#, Yingzhe Wang#, Ziyu Yuan, Kelin Xu, Kexun Zhang, Zhen Zhu, Peixi Li, Chen Suo, Weizhong Tian, Min Fan, Li Jin, Weimin Ye, Qiang Dong, Mei Cui*, Xingdong Chen*. Total cerebral small vessel disease burden is related to worse performance on the Mini-Mental State Examination and incident dementia: A prospective 5-year follow-up. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease. 2019. 69(1): 253-262.

5、Zhenqiu Liu#, Yanfeng Jiang#, Huangbo Yuan, Qiwen Fang, Ning Cai, Chen Suo, Li Jin, Tiejun Zhang*, Xingdong Chen*. The trends in incidence of primary liver cancer caused by specific etiologies: Results from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2016 and implications for liver cancer prevention. Journal of Hepatology. 2019. 70(4): 674-683. (Cover Paper)