



Email: huiru_tang@fudan.edu.cn




国家杰出青年科学基金获得者、英国皇家化学会会士、国家重点研发计划项目首席。1986年获西北轻工业学院(现陕西科技大学)学士、1994年获伦敦大学博士学位。1992-2005年先后在英国BBSRC食品研究所、帝国理工学院生物医学部任Senior Scientist等职。2005-2014年先后任中科院武汉物数所研究员、博导、研究部副主任、中科院生物磁共振分析重点实验室创建主任。2014年加盟复旦大学生命科学学院。曾任英国NHS、科技部973及蛋白质重大计划等评审专家、J Proteome Res编委。在Nature及Cell系列、PNAS、J Hepatol、JACS等期刊上发表SCI论文220余篇,被引1.4万余次(H指数~67)。获批发明专利7项。部分工作被Science、Nature等作为“研究亮点”专文评述。现任国际实验核磁共振大会(ENC)执委、中国生物物理学会代谢组学分会会长;中国抗癌协会肿瘤代谢分会、中国生物化学与分子生物学会脂质与脂蛋白委员会、中国营养学会基础营养分会、中国生物物理学会自由基生物学及医学分会等常务理事,国际实验磁共振大会(ENC)执委(大中华地区唯一);Metabolomics、Arch Pharm和《基础医学与临床》等编委,Nutrition & MetabolismPhenomics等副主编。

Personal website:http://www.metabolome.cn/












生物化学及分子生物学 代谢组学 人类表型组学


代表性通讯作者论文(含共通讯; 一区)

1J. Xiao, et al, “25-Hydroxycholesterol regulates lysosome AMP kinase activation and metabolic reprogramming to educate immunosuppressive macrophages”, Immunity, 57:1087–1104, 2024

2Z.L. Wang, et al, “Total synthesis of all stereoisomers of C5-glyceryl-methyl-20-deoxycytidine 5gmC and their occurrence in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii”, Cell Rep Phys Sci, 5:102041, 2024

3Y.N. Pu, et al, “Gut microbial features and circulating metabolomic signatures of frailty in older adults”, Nat Aging, 4:1249-1262, 2004

4Q.S. Chen, et al, “A novel endogenous retention-index for minimizing retention-time variations in metabolomic analysis with reversed-phase ultrahigh-performance liquid-chromatography and mass spectrometry”, Talanta, 268:125318, 2024.

5J.X. Zhang, et al, “Simultaneously quantifying hundreds of acylcarnitines in multiple biological matrices within ten minutes using ultrahigh-performance liquid-chromatography and tandem mass spectrometry”, J Pharm Anal, 14:140-148, 2024.

6C.C. Zhang, et al, “Detecting sub-micromolar analytes in mixtures with a 5-min acquisition on 600 MHz NMR spectrometers”, J Am Chem Soc, 145:25513–25517, 2023

7Q.Y. Hu, et al, “Reliable quantification of citrate isomers and isobars with direct-infusion tandem mass spectrometry”, Talanta, 259:124477,2023.

8Y.B. Feng, et al, “Anopheline mosquitoes are protected against parasite infection by tryptophan catabolism in gut microbiota”, Nat Microbiol, 7:707-715, 2022.

9 Z.M. Hou, et al, “Inhibiting 3bHSD1 to eliminate the oncogenic effects of progesterone in prostate cancer”, Cell Rep Med, 3:100561, 2022.

10 J.H. Liu, et al, “Simultaneous quantification of 70 elements in biofluids within 5 min using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry to reveal elementomic phenotypes of healthy Chinese adults”, Talanta, 238:123720, 2022

11 Q.Y. Hu, et al, “Quantitative structure-retention relationship for reliable metabolite identification and quantification in metabolomics using ion-pair reversed-phase chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry”, Talanta, 238:123059, 2022.

12 M. F. Xia, et al, “Insights into contribution of genetic variants towards the susceptibility of MAFLD revealed by the NMR_based lipoprotein profiling”, J Hepatol, 74:974-977, 2021.

13 Y. Xu, et al, “Asparagine reinforces mTORC1 signaling to boost thermogenesis and glycolysis in adipose tissues”, EMBO J. e108069, 2021.\

14 M.F. Wang, et al, “Glucose-mediated proliferation of a gut commensal bacterium promotes Plasmodium infection by increasing mosquito midgut pH”, Cell Rep, 35:108992, 2021

15 Y.P. An, et al, “Development and validation of an improved probabilistic quotient normalization method for LC/MS- and NMR-based metabonomic analysis”, CCL, 31:1827-1830, 2020.

16 J.H. Xue, et al, “A vitamin-C-derived DNA modification catalysed by an algal TET homologue”, Nature, 569:581–585, 2019.

17H. Lin, et al, “Alterations of bile acids and gut microbiota in obesity induced by high fat diet in rat model”, J Agric Food Chem, 67:3624-3632. 2019.【高被引, 年均被引>30

18 Q.F. Wan, et al, "Quantitative 13C traces of glucose fate in hepatitis B virus infected hepatocytes", Anal Chem, 89:3293–3299, 2017

19L. Sun, et al, "cMyc-mediated activation of serine biosynthesis pathway is critical for cancer progression under nutrient deprivation conditions". Cell Res, 25:429–444, 2015.

20M. Li, et al, “Human symbiotic gut microbes specifically modulate metabolic phenotypes”, PNAS, 105:2117-2122, 2008. 【高被引, 年均被引>50

论文及引用 Publication List
